A space for public programming and community enterprises. Powered by citizens. Open to everyone. An inviting 200 sqm of flexible space for the ideas of the local community to flourish.
The project is the first of a series of library projects. All in Awe are developing a dynamic kit of parts of furniture, a system of design principles and content with the ambition to transform thousands of libraries, community spaces and abandoned retail spaces on high streets around the UK and beyond. It is part of The Future Libraries Initiative by social enterprise Civic, a pioneering project to enhance the public library service in the UK, supporting libraries to play a powerful role at the heart of communities.

This first pop up on Peterborough’s high street opened to the public in summer 2021. It makes use of an empty retail unit and is designed to help people navigate, discover, connect, create and to grow. It is a home for unlikely allies to come together to promote all that Peterborough has to offer. Learning and skills present opportunities via City College, City Culture, a library corner, the Summer Reading Challenge, book giveaways, health screenings, career advice, coffee mornings and an environmentally friendly school uniform swap.

The Future Libraries Initiative begins in Peterborough Central and is being developed across a further six prototype libraries that reflect the diversity of libraries across the joint authority: Peterborough Central, Thorney, Wisbech, Soham, Cambridge Central, Northstowe (future new library) and Brampton. The project provides the opportunity for residents, local businesses, local voluntary sector representatives, regular library users and the broader public to shape the future of their libraries – from what you can do within them to how they look, feel and support local people.